In spring 2010 a group of Csounders decided to start this project. The outline has been suggested by Joachim Heintz and has been discussed and improved by Richard Boulanger, Oeyvind Brandtsegg, Andrés Cabrera, Alex Hofmann, Jacob Joaquin, Iain McCurdy, Rory Walsh and others. Rory also pointed us to the FLOSS Manuals platform as a possible environment for writing and publishing. Stefano Bonetti, François Pinot, Davis Pyon and Steven Yi joined later and wrote chapters.

For a volunteer project like this, it is not easy to "hold the line". So we decided to meet for some days for a "book sprint" to finish what we can, and publish a first release.

We are happy and proud to do it now, with smoking heads and squared eyes ... But we do also know that this is just a first release, with a lot of potential for further improvements. Some few chapter are simply empty. Others are not as complete as we wished them to be. Individual differences between the authors are perhaps larger as they should.

This is, hopefully, a beginning. Everyone is invited to improve this book. You can write a still empty chapter or contribute to an exsting one. You can insert new examples. You just need to create an account at http://booki.flossmanuals.net.  Or let us know your suggestions.

We had fun writing this book and hope you have fun using it. Enjoy!


Berlin, march 31, 2011

                         Joachim Heintz     Alex Hofmann     Iain McCurdy


            jh at joachimheintz.de     alex at boomclicks.de     i_mccurdy at hotmail.com