A delay in DSP is a special kind of buffer sometimes called a circular buffer. The length of this buffer is finite and must be declared upon initialization as it is stored in RAM. One way to think of the circular buffer is that as new items are added at the beginning of the buffer the oldest items at the end of the buffer are being 'shoved' out.

Besides their typical application for creating echo effects, delays can also be used to implement chorus, flanging, pitch shifting and filtering effects.

Csound offers many opcodes for implementing delays. Some of these offer varying degrees of quality - often balanced against varying degrees of efficiency whilst some are for quite specialized purposes.

To begin with this section is going to focus upon a pair of opcodes, delayr and delayw. Whilst not the most efficient to use in terms of the number of lines of code required, the use of delayr and delayw helps to clearly illustrate how a delay buffer works. Besides this, delayr and delayw actually offer a lot more flexibility and versatility than many of the other delay opcodes.

When using delayr and delayw the establishement of a delay buffer is broken down into two steps: reading from the end of the buffer using delayr (and by doing this defining the length or duration of the buffer) and then writing into the beginning of the buffer using delayw.

The code employed might look like this:

aSigOut  delayr  1
         delayw  aSigIn

where 'aSigIn' is the input signal written into the beginning of the buffer and 'aSigOut' is the output signal read from the end of the buffer. The fact that we declare reading from the buffer before writing to it is sometimes initially confusing but, as alluded to before, one reason this is done is to declare the length of the buffer. The buffer length in this case is 1 second and this will be the apparent time delay between the input audio signal and audio read from the end of the buffer.

The following example implements the delay described above in a .csd file. An input sound of sparse sine tone pulses is created. This is written into the delay buffer from which a new audio signal is created by read from the end of this buffer. The input signal (sometimes referred to as the dry signal) and the delay output signal (sometimes referred to as the wet signal) are mixed and set to the output. The delayed signal is attenuated with respect to the input signal.

   EXAMPLE 05D01.csd


-odac ;activates real time sound output

;Example by Iain McCurdy

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1

giSine   ftgen   0, 0, 2^12, 10, 1; a sine wave

  instr 1
; create an input signal
kEnv    loopseg  0.5, 0, 0, 0,0.0005, 1 , 0.1, 0, 1.9, 0
kCps    randomh  400, 600, 0.5
aEnv    interp   kEnv
aSig    poscil   aEnv, kCps, giSine

; create a delay buffer
aBufOut delayr   0.3
        delayw   aSig

;send audio to output (input and output to the buffer are mixed)
        out      aSig + (aBufOut*0.2)


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If we mix some of the delayed signal into the input signal that is written into the buffer then we will delay some of the delayed signal thus creating more than a single echo from each input sound. Typically the sound that is fed back into the delay input is attenuated so that sound cycle through the buffer indefinitely but instead will eventually die away. We can attenuate the feedback signal by multiplying it by a value in the range zero to 1. The rapidity with which echoes will die away is defined by how close the zero this value is. The following example implements a simple delay with feedback.

   EXAMPLE 05D02.csd


-odac ;activates real time sound output

;Example by Iain McCurdy

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1

giSine   ftgen   0, 0, 2^12, 10, 1; a sine wave

  instr 1
; create an input signal
kEnv    loopseg  0.5, 0, 0, 0,0.0005, 1 , 0.1, 0, 1.9, 0; repeating envelope
kCps    randomh  400, 600, 0.5; 'held' random values
aEnv    interp   kEnv; interpolate kEnv to create a-rate version
aSig    poscil   aEnv, kCps, giSine; generate audio

; create a delay buffer
iFdback =        0.5; this value defines the amount of delayed signal fed back into the delay buffer
aBufOut delayr   0.3; read audio from end of 0.3s buffer
        delayw   aSig + (aBufOut*iFdback); write audio into buffer (mix in feedback signal)

; send audio to ther output (mix the input signal with the delayed signal)
        out      aSig + (aBufOut*0.2)


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Constructing a delay effect in this way is rather limited as the delay time is static. If we want to change the delay time we need to reinitialise the code that implements the delay buffer. A more flexible approach is to read audio from within the buffer using one of Csounds opcodes for 'tapping' a delay buffer, deltap, deltapi, deltap3 or deltapx. The opcodes are listed in order of increasing quality which also reflects an increase in computational expense. In the next example a delay tap is inserted within the delay buffer (between the delayr and the delayw) opcodes. As our delay time is modulating quite quickly we will use deltapi which uses linear interpolation as it rebuilds the audio signal whenever the delay time is moving. Note that this time we are not using the audio output from the delayr opcode as we are using the audio output from deltapi instead. The delay time used by deltapi is created by randomi which creates a random function of straight line segments. A-rate is used for the delay time to improve the accuracy of its values, use of k-rate would result in a noticeably poorer sound quality. You will notice that as well as modulating the time gap between echoes, this example also modulates the pitch of the echoes – if the delay tap is static within the buffer there would be no change in pitch, if is moving towards the beginning of the buffer then pitch will rise and if it is moving towards the end of the buffer then pitch will drop. This side effect has led to digital delay buffers being used in the design of many pitch shifting effects.

The user must take care that the delay time demanded from the delay tap does not exceed the length of the buffer as defined in the delayr line. If it does it will attempt to read data beyond the end of the RAM buffer – the results of this are unpredictable. The user must also take care that the delay time does not go below zero, in fact the minumum delay time that will be permissible will be the duration of one k cycle (ksmps/sr).

   EXAMPLE 05D03.csd


-odac ;activates real time sound output

;Example by Iain McCurdy

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1

giSine   ftgen   0, 0, 2^12, 10, 1; a sine wave

  instr 1
; create an input signal
kEnv          loopseg  0.5, 0, 0, 0,0.0005, 1 , 0.1, 0, 1.9, 0
aEnv          interp   kEnv
aSig          poscil   aEnv, 500, giSine

aDelayTime    randomi  0.05, 0.2, 1; modulating delay time
; create a delay buffer
aBufOut       delayr   0.2; read audio from end of 0.3s buffer
aTap          deltapi  aDelayTime; 'tap' the delay buffer somewhere along its length
              delayw   aSig + (aTap*0.9); write audio into buffer (mix in feedback signal)

; send audio to ther output (mix the input signal with the delayed signal)
              out      aSig + ((aTap)*0.4)


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We are not limited to inserting only a single delay tap within the buffer. If we add further taps we create what is known as a multi-tap delay. The following example implements a multi-tap delay with three delay taps. Note that only the final delay (the one closest to the end of the buffer) is fed back into the input in order to create feedback but all three taps are mixed and sent to the output. There is no reason not to experiment with arrangements other than this but this one is most typical.

   EXAMPLE 05D04.csd


-odac ;activates real time sound output

;Example by Iain McCurdy

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1

giSine   ftgen   0, 0, 2^12, 10, 1; a sine wave

  instr 1
; create an input signal
kEnv    loopseg  0.5, 0, 0, 0,0.0005, 1 , 0.1, 0, 1.9, 0; repeating envelope
kCps    randomh  400, 1000, 0.5; 'held' random values
aEnv    interp   kEnv; interpolate kEnv to create a-rate version
aSig    poscil   aEnv, kCps, giSine; generate audio

; create a delay buffer
aBufOut delayr   0.5; read audio from end of 0.3s buffer
aTap1   deltap   0.1373; delay tap 1
aTap2   deltap   0.2197; delay tap 2
aTap3   deltap   0.4139; delay tap 3
        delayw   aSig + (aTap3*0.4); write audio into buffer (mix in feedback signal)

; send audio to ther output (mix the input signal with the delayed signals)
        out      aSig + ((aTap1+aTap2+aTap3)*0.4)


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As mentioned at the top of this section many familiar effects are actually created from using delay buffers in various ways. We will briefly look at one of these effects: the flanger. Flanging derives from a phenemenon which occurs when the delay time becomes so short that we begin to no longer perceive individual echoes but instead a stack of harmonically related resonances are perceived the frequencies of which are in simple ratio with 1/delay_time. This effect is known as a comb filter. When the delay time is slowly modulated and the resonances shifting up and down in sympathy the effect becomes known as a flanger. In this example the delay time of the flanger is modulated using an LFO that employs a U-shaped parabola as its waveform as this seems to provide the smoothest comb filter modulations.

   EXAMPLE 05D05.csd


-odac ;activates real time sound output

;Example by Iain McCurdy

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1
0dbfs = 1

giSine   ftgen   0, 0, 2^12, 10, 1; a sine wave
giLFOShape  ftgen   0, 0, 2^12, 19, 0.5, 1, 180, 1; u-shaped parabola

  instr 1
aSig    pinkish  0.1; pink noise

aMod    poscil   0.005, 0.05, giLFOShape    ;oscillator that makes use of the positive domain only u-shape parabola with function table number gilfoshape

iOffset =        ksmps/sr; minimum delay time
iFdback =        0.9; amount of signal that will be fed back into the input
; create a delay buffer
aBufOut delayr   0.5; read audio from end of 0.5 buffer
aTap    deltap3  aMod + iOffset; tap audio from within delay buffer with a modulating delay time
        delayw   aSig + (aTap*iFdback); write audio into the delay buffer

; send audio to the output (mix the input signal with the delayed signal)
        out      aSig + aTap


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