
QuteCsound is a free, cross-platform graphical frontend to Csound. It features syntax highlighting, code completion and a graphical widget editor for realtime control of Csound. It comes with many useful code examples, from basic tutorials to complex synthesizers and pieces written in Csound. It also features an integrated Csound language help display.

QuteCsound can be used as a code editor tailored for Csound, as it facilitates running and rendering Csound files without the need of typing on the command line using the Run and Render buttons.

In the widget editor panel, you can create a variety of widgets to control Csound. To link the value from a widget, you first need to set its channel, and then use the Csound opcode invalue. To send values to widgets, e.g. for data display, you need to use the outvalue opcode.

  QuteCsound also offers convenient facilities for score editing in a spreadsheet like environment which can be transformed using Python scripting.

You will find more detailed information and video tutorials in the QuteCsound home page at http://qutecsound.sourceforge.net.